Friday, October 10, 2008

Music Friday

Hello lovely ladies :D Here's a vid from the NIN concert...IT WAS AWESOME!... seriously they blew mi mind. Enjoy.

Nine Inch Nails - Closer (Live from Caracas 10-08-08)

And what would be a week without the twins? :D

Tegan & Sara - Call It Off (Live at Letterman 10-07-08)

Sara's haircut is sexy as hell! hahahahaha.

Happy weekend mamacitas.


Nilz said...

yes, what a show. it's a little funny to see Trent so ANGRY at everything, I mean... calm down, man... life is precious... and god... and the bible...

whatta show ;)

and yes, I love my Edi Baby... <3

Uta Refson said...

so I am assuming sarah is the one on keyboards? Her hair cut/style looks good.
Ok, I have a question! These 2 sing all these relationship-ey songs and most of them rather down trodden at that, but when do they have time to attempt relationships???????? They are ALWAYS together and seemingly always touring. So what is up with that? Huh? Huh?

Anonymous said...

I love NIN. I saw them years ago, and their show was so intense!

And, the twins are always enjoyable! I also love Sarah's hair cut! Dave Letterman is so tall compared to them! LOL!

That evening, the presidential debates ran long, and so Letterman started a few minutes late - and TiVo CUT OFF the taping of T&S! Ugh!

Uta - Sarah was actually married... but then they broke up. Plus, Sarah lives in Montreal & Tegan lives in Vancouver, so when they are not touring, they aren't around each other at all! They purposely moved far away from each other!

vmag said...

que bolas ese conciertoooooooooooo estuvo INCREÍBLE lo amé demasiado... no llevé mi cámara por boba!!!! me dio miedo q me dijeran q no podía pasarla y tener q regresarme al carro para guardarla ¬¬
pero q arrecho en serio! amé demasiado todo el show! el sonido! la iluminación! el escenario!!! todooo wooow esas pantallas... q increíble :)
ese efecto con la cámara estuvo demasiado wow... amé el concierto *-*