Oh Vampira...great tiny waist and big eyebrows, not to mention the boobs.

Elvira...not as good as Vampira, but very funny to watch...and yes the boobs are important.
So this week I'm showing you clips of the lesbian scary show on www.afterellen.com called "Ghostella's Haunted Tomb", it's freaking genius. The "movies" are made by Stacie Ponder, a horror movie adict turned director, she's awesome...but what makes the show funny is the hostess Ghostella (Heidi Martinuzzi), she's so weird and funny. If you want to check out Stacie's blog where she reviews horror films and other stuff go here: http://finalgirl.blogspot.com/
Ghostella's Haunted Tomb: "Taste of flesh, taste of fear"
Do you guys have your halloween costumes ready???
Fabulous (as in Elvira boobs are fabulous)! We are gonna have fun this week with Halloween.
I don't have a costume. But on Saturday, I'm probably going to the Dia de Los Muertos activities on Saturday.
ah Vampira....that waist!
Evlira - those boobs have always amazed me...(insert bulging eye balls)
I will watch the vid when I get home! Can't wait to watch it and for the rest of your week here!
(this is halloween, this is halloween...)
insert wicked "hehehe" here
Very fun E! Hope you're going to have a fun week filled with ghoulish treats!
Wonderful Halloween treats. Still working on costume for halloween and thinking about where to go and what to do.
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