Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender,
and thrusts upon others that which it suffered.
Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner
and conqueror, blow by blow.
Yep, that's me! :D hahahahaha, I won 5th place at my company's Halloween party last night. So very soon I will be going to Coche's Island (awesome place for vacations here) +1 for two nights, who wants to go with me? :D
The second episode of the lesbian web horror show with Bridget McManus as the special guest (I love her)
By the way, Stacie Ponder, the director of the Ghostella's films, was a guest on Bridget's vlog( this sunday and she said the season finale of Ghostella's Haunted Tomb has a VERY special guest star...LENA HEADY!, yes you read me right, Lena F'ING Heady :D I'm happy
Welcome to Edilma's haunted cookie corner (insert evil laugh)...this is going to be a very scary week! So in the tradition of the busty horror hostesses I'm bringing you something to laugh and be scared of...but let's remember the pioneers first:
Oh Vampira...great tiny waist and big eyebrows, not to mention the boobs.
Elvira...not as good as Vampira, but very funny to watch...and yes the boobs are important.
So this week I'm showing you clips of the lesbian scary show on called "Ghostella's Haunted Tomb", it's freaking genius. The "movies" are made by Stacie Ponder, a horror movie adict turned director, she's awesome...but what makes the show funny is the hostess Ghostella (Heidi Martinuzzi), she's so weird and funny. If you want to check out Stacie's blog where she reviews horror films and other stuff go here:
So last saturday was my little cousin's baptism (ewww) but inspite of all I went and had a great time, here are some pics...the rest of them are in my facebook.
Funniest pic EVER!
Me taking pics ;)
Our table at the party, those are my cousins and dear Nilz :P
New vid and song! Can't wait for the new CD to come out in November :D
Amy Kuney - All Downhill From Here
So a few days ago I got a "friend request" on youtube by this girl so I decided to check her out, she blew my mind! She's cute as hell and has an amazing beautiful voice, so I said yes of course, and became her fan right away. She has a vid on youtube doing a cover of Damien Rice's song "Blower's Daughter", it's so good and so many people watched it that Damien himself ask her to open for him on two concerts in Europe...she's that good.
The "official" Kelka Pride video made by Slo and Green. Most of you have probably already seen this, but I'm missing my kelkians lately so I decided to post the vid. So I'm the one wearing cute hats hahahahahaha...and Uta, I swear to the all mighty unicorn I covered my eyes when certain someone flashed her goods (damn! why did I do that? lol), actually I think I only saw one pair of twins during the whole weekend hahahahahaha, where are those pics? :D
Kelkians at Europride. Oh the magic of youtube :D (I miss my pool buddies!)
And Mia, see? you're save hahahahahahaha. So when is your birthday? :D
Hello mamacitas, I'm back! I was a bit sick on monday and tuesday so I wasn't around, but I'm better now and I brought presents! hahahahaha.
You like the vid? well, let me tell you a little story. The girl on the video is Stoya, she's a cult porn star, she's like the Jenna Jameson of goth, emo's and tattoed porn followers (altporn to be exact), yeah don't ask me how I know that ;) The thing is that she's damn hot, and indeed she's having an orgasm in the vid thanks to her boyfriend (porn stars have boyfriends too, don't judge hahahaha). The vid was shot by the band's manager, and they're pretty cool I must say.
So I hope you enjoyed it ;) I have more presents for tomorrow, and it involves kelkians :D
I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted much this week, but I couldn't find anything interesting...if you can believe that hahahahaha. But thank the all mighty unicorn the twins are back in tour and they're as funny and cute as always...But before we get to that:
Missy Higgins - Where I Stood
So if you remember, Missy has a different video for this song too, apparently she needed an "American" version (?)...I don't get it. I like the "Australian" version better...but she still looks cute in this one hahahahaha.
Now back to business.
Tegan & Sara - Banter in Atlanta 10-30-2008
I love it when they get political :D "Sarah Palin is not Tina Fey" hahahahaha. And how cute was Sara dancing? :D
Tegan and Dallas Green - The First (Live in Atlanta 10-30-2008)
Happy weekend mamacitas...Oh and Kai, say hi to the twins for me (I hate you)