Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sun block

Sun block advise from the twins at Coachella...who doesn't like a girl who dreams about David Bowie?

And speaking of boobs...

...I like mine :D

I used to use SPF 30 sun block, but I painfully realized it doesn't work for me, so I started to use not lower than 60...and the lovely Tegan is right, you have to apply it EVERYWHERE, even under your clothes to not get sun burned. So wich brand do you use mamacitas? I've been using Hawain Tropic, it's good and it's smells great :D I think I should buy at least two bottles for Albuquerque.


Uta Refson said...

will you be stalking the twins while in Canada?????
I use some sort of "sport" sunblock in a darker blue tube like bottle. I like the stuff that doesn't sweat off or wash off in the water. I will have to look when I get home darling.
I have found the ones that smell good - don't work. But that is just me. But I burn at the mere notion of sun soooooo.....

Will you you be slathering sunblock on the assets you are so proud of? a little bit of topless action for the gals in N.M.????? ;D

Edilma said...

I'll be waiting for the name of your sun block brand darling :D

Belive me I will stalk the twins if I see them, though they announced some extra dates in Germany and the UK in June so I don't think they'll be in Canada.

Topless action? Anything is possible dear vampire ;)

seymour said...

If that's true (the topless part), don't forget the camera!

Well, even if it's not true.
Wish I were going to NM.....

; )

seymour said...

If that's true (the topless part), don't forget the camera!

Well, even if it's not true.
Wish I were going to NM.....

; )

Anonymous said...

E! I didn't answer your question yesterday. I have two bottles of Banana Boat Sport, SPF 15, Ultra Sweatproof. I typically use SPF 15 but if am going to be outside for a long period of time, will wear SPF 30.

I still wish I was going to ABQ!