I saw this movie last weekend and loved it! very cute and entertaining...and a few great cameos. You guys should watch :D

Yeah...no comments. I went to a La Senza pajama party last night, let's just say there were models in underware and free cosmopolitans :D
Hahahahahahaha! LaSenza thing sounds like a perfect evening!
(great shirt)
I did not realize that was an actual movie! I will have to look for that.
Sorry I have no blog today. Stayed up to watch Juno last night, fell asleep on the couch afterward and was just not coherent when I finally re-emerged to put together my blog.
Tomorrow I shall return! ;D
Montreal huh? Cool! Quite the world traveler aren't ya?! ;D
Enjoy the rest of your day. I will just tip toe away silently now. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
E, that reminds me that I saw half of the Titty movie and never got back to it to see the 2nd part.
That party sounds like fun, especially the free cosmopolitans part. :-)
Will you trade lives with me?
Yes?! Alright. Wonderful. I'll be picking you up later tonight. : )
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