My dear friend Uta got me a really cool present last year called "Therapist In A Box" (this is when I had my nervous breakdown, she is very thoughtful I know hahahah) and it is 10 cards with therapeutic advice in them, very cool I know. So I decided to share my little cards with you guys every tuesday.
Therapeutic Words Of Wisdom - Card 1:
"The statistics on sanity are that one out every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then it's you"
Don't you just feel much better now? hahahaha
In other news, you should go read Riese's recap of sunday's TLW episode, it's so damn funny...and you'll have something to distract your minds with while Elka & KC decide to post their podcast.
P.S. I know the t-shirt has nothing to do with the post, but I like it :D
I am waiting on a KELKA podcast. Ok, I'm one of your friends so is insane, so you are safe for the moment. Smile.
That Reise thing was pretty funny.....(a bit long, but funny)
Thanks for the recommendation.
How nice you are sharing your therapy with us! (you made me blush a little);D
After reviewing my friends I unfortunately think I am the one who has the mental malady. =0
Love the T-shirt. I do not even have to think for a moment I am certifiably insane. 4 out of 5 doctors agree.
It Stands for TEGAN, Obvs!
So great!
Cool T-shirt!
I think I'm gonna expand my t-shirt collection, so I can be more like Tegan.
okay... bye.
Thanks for the link! All of my friends are insane, 4 out of 4. Me too. And uta -- yeah, I know they're long -- they used to be much shorter but people would always yell at me for leaving this or that out of the recap and so I just started putting in absolutely every detail and action that ever happened ever, which is probably why I am now mentally ill, along with all my friends.
Statistacally thinking, perhaps we're an anomaly?
I think we're all pretty much insane.
That's why we gravitate so much to each other!
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