I don't have the pics from Nilz's b-day party on saturday yet, but I'll post them as soon as I get them :D We had a great time.
So today is the day I'll tell my aunt i'm not going to study business anymore...wish me luck (I need it).
I saw "But I'm a Cheerleader" last night and I woke up with this intense need to tell my family I'm gay...should I break the news today too?
P.S. Clea DuVall is damn hot.
I DID IT! (both news)
My aunt and uncle are the most beautiful, wonderful people in the world, I don't deserve them.
Wow...ummmmm....both things all in one night??????????
You still want a place to live? =S
I do wish you all the luck in the world.
I have been thinking about sitting down and telling my sister before I go to Europe in April. I haven't decided if she can handle it.
Yes I know it is prob. too much for one day, but i have this weird feeling that it is now or never. I know my aunt can handle it, i just don'y know how hahahahahaha...we'll see.
I'll keep you post it.
Goodluck with whatever news you wish to tell ur aunt! When I told my folks I needed a break from studying they were mad for like a week. Then they saw how incredibly happy I was and it's all good now. Just be honest with them and they be upset at first but in the long run you have to do what is best for you.
p.s. I've been trying to come out to my older bro for like 6 months... still waiting. I want to do asap cause he's one of my closest friends but everytime I go to do it I freeze and stop myself.
Ohhhh, I thought I had posted a comment but apparently I wasn't logged in!
HURRAY, for you, Edilma. I send you hugs and kisses. And I'll drink a toast to you tonight.
Love, Chaparrita
Sweet! Edilma! Goodluck Sweetie! Something just told me I had to find a way to check your blog today! :)
OMG!!! Congratulations girl! You must feel so relieved! WOW! Glad everything went well - very proud of you!!!!
wow wow wow... congratulations! that's awesome!!!
in other news, i wish i didn't have so many conservative catholic friends.
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