Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"You're So Gay"

Spinner.com Steaming Truth with Tegan Quin

This is too damn funny! hahahahaha, and yes, I'm still obsessed with the twins :P

Speaking of gay and funny (I'm feeling very gay this week hahahaha) I've been discovering afterellen.com, I knew it existed, but I didn't know it had so many cool stuff, and when I say cool stuff I mean the vlogs. I already mentioned Liz Feldman's vlog, I also love Bridget McManus vlog (hot girl interviewing people in her bed, what's not to love?) and now I'm obsessed with the "We're getting nowhere" vlog, three girls (one of them is Jill Bennet, HOT) and they recap The L Word among other shows, don't get me wrong I still love KC and Elka, but these girls are very funny too and I had to find something to keep me entertain while I'm suffering from Kelka withdrawal.

And as my friend Nico says,

Gay hugs :D


Chazza said...

Hahaha that vid is classic!

I'm very happy we have our bed time chats back, it feels like the old days. hehehe.

Uta Refson said...

Hmmmmm...bed seems to be the topic of the day here... ;D
I seem to be feeling very gay lately as well. With our election heating up I start to get more and more defiant and demostrative.