Monday, September 08, 2008

Cherry Chapstick

Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl

Katy Perry - Ur So Gay

Mmmmm do you guys see a theme here? hahahahaha. I like her ;)

In other news, my friend Nilz's brother Mark and his wife made a really cool short film and they need you to vote for them :D So here's the link, please register and vote! THANKS!


Uta Refson said...!
I will do so when I get home and have a more cooperative computer. ;D
I like Miss Perry as well But I suspect she might be a one hit wonder. (sigh) (one CD wonder)
We'll see I guess.
Keep your chin up. Only 4 more days until the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Okey, dokey! Will do it later on today-), sweetie pie. :

vmag said...

Katy Perry es demasiado bella! :)

q finos los vids edi!!!

yo voté! buena la música de ese short film, eh? jajaja 8-)
