Did I just died and went to heaven? Seriously, you should see my face right now. Isn't this the best picture EVER??? (sigh)...ok I need to calm down...breathing...breathing. This is going as my wall paper.
Ok so, I'm gonna try to change the subject...right...ok.
I downloaded the two seasons of Sugar Rush and I've been re-watching it these days, I forgot how much I loved that show...and Sara-Jane Potts, damn she's fine. My obsession with brunettes with short hair and tatts is becoming sad...I need a girlfriend.
And speaking of wich, a cute brittish kelkian suggested that I forgot to put "have sex" on my to do list hahahaha, but the list is for the things I have to do before going to Albuquerque, not the things I have to do when I'm there hahahahaha...although a shag is always nice. I did put a thread on the forum saying that it's going to be my birthday that weekend and my goal is to kiss 26 girls that day, I hope Nico will help me and be my pimp hahahahah.
But I did forgot to put this on my list:
Practice my french...I'm going to Montreal after all.