Tegan & Sara - Buried Alive (Live)
...And Then. So young and intense hahahahah.
I saw my friend Kathy yesterday and she's moving to Montreal on April, I'm sad about it but I'm also happy because I'm going to visit her at the end of the year :D
So, should I stalk my favorite twins while I'm in Canada??? hahahahahaha.
I also baought a new Digital Camera yesterday, it's a Panasonic Lumix...so pretty :D
E, you are kinda obsessed with those twins, right? Hahahahahaha. Yep, that video is intense.
YAY Canada!
I would never want to be buried alive, not even with the twins sweetie. ;D
Oh, and I LOVED your response to the video on my blog yesterday! I laughed outloud. =D
I could no longer talk myself out of it and I bought a NEW iPod yesterday. I needed it for the plane. Just another Nano, but now I can watch shows and movies and I put 2 books on it to listen to so far. I am having a bit of a love affair with it at the moment. =D
Enjoy your camera darling!
Such a critter in the hoodie!
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