This is me and my aunt :D

And this is me at age 6 in Spain :D
I don't feel 25, I feel like 20 or less hahahahaha.
Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender, and thrusts upon others that which it suffered. Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner and conqueror, blow by blow.
Happy Birthday Edilma...!!!!!
I'm No 1 on your blog on this special day!!!!
Oh..... you were already such a cute little lesbian at the age of 6.
It's your birthday today Edilma.
I thought I would remind you just incase you have forgotten already.
You are after all a Quarter Century old after all. People of that age tent to forget things.
Okay they TEND to forget things...
Happy Birthday Edilma
you are super cute
happy bday
- Ale
E, you are soooooo cute! I love that picture of you at age 6.
Have fun today and celebrate that quarter of a century! It only gets better...I can testify to that.
Besos! Besos!
Happy Birthday girl!!! Wow 25 that's so not old!!! lol. That picture of you with the cute lil shoes and binoculars are sooo adorable... Enjoy your day and have a tequila shot for me.
Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate everyday of those 25 years Edlima!
Happy Birthday!
Hey bloomers!!
Aww, I was gonna try and put a Real Madrid badge in this message but stupid blogger won't let me. Do you remember the big football team confusion of 2006?
I hope you have a great day sweetness. I miss our chats; you used to laugh at everything I said, I think that was a good sign..............
Lurker - Thank you for reminding mehahahaha
Ale - yes i'm cute :P
Chaparrita - :D
Chazza - Yes I'm not old hahahah
TB - Thank you sweetie.
TWINKS! - wow you remembered, thank you so much! Yes i miss our chats too, where the hell are you? So you were going to post a Real Madrid badge in revenge? hahahahahahha good one :P
Happy Birthday Edilma
happy birthday Edilma
Happy Birthday Edilma
Happyy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Edilma, muy caliente!
don't dare to grow up! i'll come and kick your delicious bootie =D
Estas son las mañanitas
que cantaba el rey David,
hoy por ser tu cumpleaños
te las cantamos a ti
Despierta, mi bien despierta,
mira que ya amaneció,
ya los pajarillos cantan,
La luna ya se metió
Qué linda está la mañana,
en que vengo a saludarte,
venimos todos con gusto
y placer a felicitarte,
El día en que tu naciste,
nacieron todas las flores,
y en la pila del bautismo,
cantaron los ruiseñores
Ya viene amaneciendo,
ya la luz del día nos vió
levantate de mañana
Mira que ya amaneció.
Despierta, mi bien despierta,
mira que ya amaneció
Ya los pajarillos cantan,
La luna ya se metió
Estas son las mañanitas
que cantaba el rey David,
hoy por ser tu cumpleaños,
te las cantamos a tiiiiiiiii!
Besos! Birthday Girl!
Thank you to all the cast od The L Word hahahahahaha and Shakira :P
Nico - Big gay hugs to you too
Saidi - GRACIAS! :D
wow, luego de las felicitaciones de gente de la farándula, las mías no serán tan importantes :P ... anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMI :P ... I love you!! :D by the way i love the pics, but you already know that :P ... panda kisses for you!!! see you soon :D NY is waiting for you! ...are you ready to rock???? ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!
25! Wow...
So young.
Hope your day is just filled of special-ness. (Is that a word?)
We will celebrate in person!!! :-)
cumpleanos feliz!
vente cinco... ojala que todo es buenisimo.
don't sneeze. salud!
So young
so tasty! ;D
Happy birthday lovely E. !
don't know you, but seen you around the blogs
who am I to not wish someone happy birthday?!
have a good one!
seu aniversário??
Happy Birthday -- you were such a cutie :) Like a Kodak baby...
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