This is my first passport pic, yes I look scared hahahahah.

After my horrible experience with the giant chicken I started murdering stuff animals.

Wow I have a pink dress in every pic, what the hell was wrong with my mom? hahahaha...and yes I have a fancy giant plastic watch :P
"oh look how cute i am"
¿so this is the selfish blog week, eh?
this is my LET'S BUG EDILMA phase
(K) let's get to the naked 15 year old pictures :)
oh, can't believe i said that
Yes I'm cute, deal with it
i don't know how to.
show me your boobs!
Nilz... behave!!!!!
So you were a strawberry blonde...
What happened?
How did your hair get THAT dark?
Hope you have a great day.
Awww how cute;
I am ok with the youngster pics, leaves more space for imagination :)))
Lurker - I don't know what happened! :S
Guls - I have lots of grown up pics on my blog, you just have to look for them hahahaha.
More cute pictures...wow, your hair was that light! I love that stuffed animal picture.
que fofa.
That's a cute picture E. I like that you are celebrating your birthday the whole week, that's doing it right!!! hehe.
I read that you're going to NYC. I went earlier this year, you will have a blast no doubt. If you see lil miss Kai tell her I said hi and she rocks. For real though she's awesome and hilarious.
Chaparrita - :D
Iara - Obrigado
Chazza - Awwww I will tell her that, I can't wait to meet her.
Love the chair pic. Look at those eyes :)
There are naked 15 yr. old pics???????????????
(crossing my fingers and hoping) ;D
More and more edible as you grow darling.
In your case I don't think it is necessarily true that blondes have more fun.
soooo cute!!
hey, so we all have had our blonde phase sometime :P hahahahahahaha.... those pics rocks!!! i love them...
When are you going to New York, I'll be there the beginning of next month...
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