So I had a crazy saturday :S like dear lurker said I would hahahahah, yes yes you were right. I went to see our dear Nilz's band play and then we went to a friend's house to hang out...and yes we got drunk :P
I was talking yesterday about the origins of names and what they mean, so I want to know if your name has any meaning and where does it comes from?
In case you're wondering, my name (Edilma) is from a german origin (who knew!) and it means "of royal blood" or something like it...all I know is that it was one of my aunts name and my dad gave it to mee too :P
P.S. I didn't mean to be disrespectful with that t-shirt to Jesus Christ...junt in case.
so unfair. if you had put a t-shirt that says "Satan, I'm a vegetarian", you wouldn't have been worried about being disrespectful.
so unfair.
Neil - gaelic origin - means Champion or Cloud.
Deborah means "bee." Deborah is a prophetess and judge in the Book of Judges in the bible. That's all I know about it.
Soooo, in a funny way, my kitty (La Abeja) and I have the same name!
Happy Monday, E! and remember to drink plenty of fluids after drinking.
This is easy.
Ditto to Minnie's comment....
It is Hebrew
And Ahhhhhhh.... what a beautiful name.
Butt sorry, I do not have a cat named after myself.
Have a good day Edilma
And see...
I am a prophetess.
I KNEW you would get drunk this weekend.
Nilz - I'm sorry satan for any future posts :P
Chaparrita - I'm drinking water as we speak :D
Lurker - Yes it is a very beautiful name, and apparently it has powers hahahahah
And E, we are not the bees that will sting you, butt the ones that will make sweet honey. :-)
I love the shirt!!!!! Wear that to pride!
I'm guessing you're no longer hung over??? Silly girl and her alcohol.
As for my name... KAI... my parents never told me what it means. Weird, right? :-)
... but really, no idea on my name origin. Probably something to do with the Bible. But I know my mom just liked the name and my family hated it. Apparently they were calling my mom while she was in labor saying, "How about this name? or that name?" Glad my mom stuck to her guns.
I mean KAI is an awesome name! :-P
mmmmm... royal blood? interesting... but i'm still the leader! :P ... and please stop talking about your weekend with my friends hehehe... I mean, our friends... I'm getting depressed :( ... I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
My last name has something to do with a valley, a river, peace, possibly power..........all depends who you ask.........
I had always been told it was peaceful valley
My first name.........well I think it is self explanatory darling ;D
I always thought my first name was gaelic in origin, but when I searched it came back as english, old french, or old german in origin...hmmmm...one of the meanings is melody or song. Interesting no?
My last name IS gaelic in origin and means strong and mighty.
my last name in german means "brave as a bear," which is f'in hillarious.
My grandmother was a model; Marilyn Cohen didn't really have a ring to it, she changed it to Marie Lyn. Jewish tradition to name kids after relatives-who've-died, so thus, Marie Lyn. It's french for Mary, which is whatever, the most common name ever or something. I like Miriam--my Bat Mitzvah-ed name.
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