Monday, May 07, 2007


I asked an important question to someone...that someone said "I rather talk about it when we are face to face..."



Anonymous said...

E, hmmmmmm, I don't have much good advice about that but here's a:

::big hug::

Because you sound a bit concerned. Take care.

Kai said...

Hmmmm... just keep strong and take care of yourself. Also know we're always here to chat if you need us!

I'm gonna keep the video up, so enjoy when you can. :-)


Uta Refson said...

if you had asked me
the answer would be yes!

whatever it is, I'm sure it will be good
it has to be - it is you


dh said...

Edilma took the plunge?
Brave girl...
Well I'm just speculating...

Have a good day edilma.

seymour said...

Hang in there girl!

We're all here for you...

nico said...

ok, high time for me to show up!

what is this with you all? that has not to be something bad.

she asked an important question ... tsk tsk tsk ... on the phone, honey you don't do that! important questions always eye to eye. so that she wants to discuss this face to face, doesn't mean necessaryly something horrible. she just wants you to see her when she is replieing ... oh, where you talking? or did you ask it by mail? by mail it is even more complicated to be not misunderstood.
if you had asked me something important i would probably have answered too that we should talk face to face.


what was the question?

big gay hug, just for fun because there is no need to worry *hypnowaves, hypnowaves, hypnowaves

Anonymous said...

oh! c'mon.... try again!