Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender, and thrusts upon others that which it suffered. Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner and conqueror, blow by blow.
well, next weekend is...CARNAVAAAAAAAAALLL8-) yes, it is. ssshhhh
Let's go surfin' safari! Wasn't that a song or something?Happy B-Day to Lurker on your blog.Happy Monday to you, dear E!
Gee - I hope her place is bigger than THAT! Where are we all gonna fit????? ;DI think it's a good idea none the less! =D
Ahhhhh Africa.There is no place like home.Yes Uta, my hut is a tiny bit bigger than that and I have two trees instead of one.SmileThank you soooo much Edilma.You have made me feel special.Geeeeze Nilz, Carnival means Ash Wednesday and that spells the beginning of no sex, no chocolate and no alcohol. Dang!!!!!
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well, next weekend is...
8-) yes, it is. ssshhhh
Let's go surfin' safari! Wasn't that a song or something?
Happy B-Day to Lurker on your blog.
Happy Monday to you, dear E!
Gee - I hope her place is bigger than THAT! Where are we all gonna fit????? ;D
I think it's a good idea none the less! =D
Ahhhhh Africa.
There is no place like home.
Yes Uta, my hut is a tiny bit bigger than that and I have two trees instead of one.
Thank you soooo much Edilma.
You have made me feel special.
Geeeeze Nilz,
Carnival means Ash Wednesday and that spells the beginning of no sex, no chocolate and no alcohol. Dang!!!!!
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