Today is thursday, and according to Nilz thurdays are bittersweet because they are almost fridays...so he suggested that i should post a love/hate subject on my blog today.
Oh dear Lindsay...i hate you, but i love you ;)
Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender, and thrusts upon others that which it suffered. Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner and conqueror, blow by blow.
wow, did you hear about lohan's poor writing in her letter to robert altman's family? i don't know the exact details, but i understand she sent a letter and .. boy, it was horribly written.
oh well... she does make me wanna... SHOUT.... SHOUT.. SHOUT.... ssshhhh
You're such a gossip whore!...but yes i heard that too.
I don't care how she writes though hee hee
i'm no gossip whore. i just like to spread any useless information i may stumble upon in this hollywood life we all wish to live wihtout regrets. deja dije.
oh, and if i have to pick someone i love/hate... it would have to be matt damon.
why matt damon nilz?
8zs: he's a good actor... very good. but there's something about him... i just feel he thinks he's such a big shot... dunno...
All I know is that I enjoyed LL's performance in the Altman movie, A Prairie Home Companion.
Happy Thursday, almost Friday!
E, I'm not bitterweet about you...'cause you are sugar. XO
lol but that's not so uncommon, don't you think? maybe something on his face disturbs you, sometimes we don't like people bcs they just have something we grrrrrrr and can't really explaing why, let me think of someone that does that to me...
oh I know, my mom......lol
Chaparrita - Don't get me wrong, she's a great actress, that's one of the reasons i love her ;)
yeah yeah edilma confess, you are jelous of her!?
Edilma, LL is the one who was in Freaky Friday, right? Oh, I get all these young actresses confused!
That's the one chaparrita....she also did the new version of "parent trap" when she was little
I'm afraid I can not join in on this conversation.
I haven't the tiniest shred of affection for Ms. Lohan.
She would definetly fall into my "hate" catagory.
Perhaps if she was lacking her head (she doesn't use it anyway and that way she couldn't speak) I may warm up to her...........
You ever notice the girls on my blog never have heads?
I think I may have issues??????
Enjoy your Thursday!
All I want to know is who's leg is that in the background?
what's going on here?
Umm...I just wanted to say I don't like Lindsey Lohan.
:: Quickly slides out of conversation ::
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