Only 32 days left for the new season of The L Word...can't wait! (January 7th)
Happy hump days mamacitas...and Nilz!
Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender, and thrusts upon others that which it suffered. Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner and conqueror, blow by blow.
the L word... that's Lutheranism, right?
it's Wednesday... savage Wednesday.
I miss her too! And I'm counting down the days until January 7th.
Happy Hump Day, E!
Awwwwww no...
I'm still waiting for the season you guys sw at the beginning of the year.... No wait last year Season Three. What season are you waiting for?
We can get married but we cannot get to see the L-Word.
Go figure.
I'm soooo excited about the L Word.
Oh Lurker - we should talk! No L Word? That's just insane! (Ooooh, you also have a upload limit, right? DAMMIT!)
hmmm... HUMP DAY.
i know,i know... Lubberliness :D
L Word
Well it IS a good day! ;D
Nilz - I know what's lutheranism, but what the hell is lubberliness?
Chaparrita - Happy hump day to you too!
Lurker - Don't worry here in Venezuela we just finishesd season 2, but thanks to youtube I can watch all the seasons.
Kai - Hello cutie!
Uta - Yes that's nice combination indeed!
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