So, how was your year my lovelies?...and what are your resolutions for next year?
I can say mine was a nice one. I traveled, made new wonderful friends (on and off line) and I flirted with a girl for the first time...among other boring stuff.
For next year i would love a nice vacation, and iPod...and to be less innocent hee hee.
Awwwwwww, just keep on flirting and I'll bet your New Year will be less innocent. XO
I don't do resolutions.
My year was up and down but like yours the best part was making new friends online and off.
I could use a less innocent New Year too.
This may sound wierd but one of my resolutions this year is not to tell anyone my other resolutions. When I talk about something too much I usually never do it. So this time I'm not telling in the hopes that I'll actually do it. Does that make sense?
This year was not that good for me. Like you and Minnie the best part was making new friends on and offline.
Innocent? What's that? ;D
I know someone who could help you with that........don't want to mention any names.....you know here pretty well......has a passport.....will travel.....
So far away and so very naughty!
Have fun delicious Edlima!
this year was good. can't complain. a little crazy. a little unexpected, but hey, surprises just make everything a little more fun.
now, as for next year... my resolutions are the same as for this year: winning the lottery, finally going skinny-dipping, falling in love with a mermaid, joining the YMCA, writing my biography and learning how to play TRUCO... don't ask!
Also, Morrissey and Jarvis Cocker released albums this year, and maybe more importantly... I discovered Charlotte Gainsbourg's 5:55, now... can I complain?
... oh, and i didn't die! :)
with love... lots of 2006 love....yours truly... Nilz.
PS: I hope my 2007 love will be more mind-boggling that this year's... you decide.
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