"For it is not simply because of mere sluggishness alone that human relationships repeat themselves from case to case in such unspeakably monotonous and unrefreshed ways; there is also a certain shyness for new, unforeseeable experiences generally, because one doesn't feel up to them.
But only for the one who is on the lookout for everything, who excludes nothing, not even the most enigmatic, will the relationship to another become something alive and speak to the whole potential of one's existence"
Letters to a young poet, Rainer Maria Rilke.
Yes, I stole this from "Kissing Jessica Stein", but i just thought it was very appropriate. I'm going to leave this post this entire week, so feel free to answer the add.
P.S. The picture was taken by the lovely Uta.
I am speechless...
But then again, you always leave me speechless.
(I honestly have no words at this moment. Hopefully I will find some)
Oh, that's a pretty picture!
"Someone" sent this to me yesterday, i just needed to share it.
"And in fact artistic experience lies so incredibly close to that of sex, to its pain and its ecstasy, that the two manifestations are indeed but different forms of one and the same yearning and delight. And if instead of heat one might say-sex, sex in the great, broad, clean sense, free of any insinuation of ecclesiastical error, then his art would be very grand and infinetly important. His poetic power is great, strong as a primitive instinct; it has its own unyielding rhythms in itself and breaks out of him as out of mountains." - Rainer Maria Rilke
Hmmmm, now that is an intriguing quote.
Jack is back!
Keep up the good work » »
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