Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I want a vacation!

I was looking through my old pics and I found this beauty. That's me and my friend Eva at the beach a long time ago...ahhh memories!

By the way...I WANT A VACATION!

P.S. Sorry I'm late today


Anonymous said...

Vacation? Me too! Me too! Me too! And if two lovelies such as you and your friend come along that would be lovely too. :-)


Anonymous said...

I would like to go anywhere where you are dressed like THAT!
Vacation indeed!

Anonymous said...

Why does your sea not have waves?

Why is the water so calm?

You look wet....uhmmm I mean hot...

Anonymous said...

that anon was me.....

Edilma said...

Chaparrita - thank you! you are more than welcome here ;)

Uta - (blushing) hee hee

Lurker - That is my favorite beach, and yes it doesn't have waves and the sea is very calm and clear...that's why is my favorite. They're little islands or keys i guess that's why they don't have any waves....and thank you! ;)

seymour said...

Two beautiful women....and a vacation....heavenly.... *sigh*....