Sunday, April 16, 2006

What a weird day!

I just got home, it is 5 in the morning and it's been a very weird day. So it all started ok, i woke up late because i was in a party the day before, I had breakfast, lunch and even dinner and all was fine until i get this weird message from my best friend, lets just say she was pissed off (aparently i can't do anything without her permission). Anyways i'm tired of been always the good girl, so i don't listen to her. Then i'm chatting with one of my cousins, so she tells me "what are you doing?" so i'm like " nothing and you?"..."lets go to the movies" is 11:30 at night, crazy me says yes, but of course when we got to the theater it was too late...."what are we doing now?"....."lets have some drinks"...we go to my favorite bar and o course it's closed because it is easter, so we went to this other place and i had like 5 drinks of rum....we talked trash, etc. I had a really good time with my cousin and i'm really drunk right now, i don't know what i'm going to do with my best friend and i'm not really sure i care.

See ya tomorrow...or today i don't know.
