Monday, April 06, 2009

Law of attraction?...I hope it works :D

So this is what I'm looking for in a woman (more or less), I wrote it in english and spanish just in case lol. Am I asking for too much? Yes I know I'm picky but I just thought I'd put it out there in the universe, you never know :D And of course that person doesn't have to have 100% of the things I'm looking for, but it will be nice if she does lol

The List / La Lista:

1.    There’s an instant spark / Hay un chispazo inicial

2.    Intelligent / Inteligente

3.    Loves to read / Ama leer

4.    Loves her job / Ama su trabajo

5.    Works in something creative / Trabaja en algo creativo

6.    Has good taste in music / Tiene buen gusto en la música

7.    Loves music and/or plays an instrument and/or sings / Ama la música y/o toca algún instrumento y/o canta.

8.    Lives alone / Vive sola

9.    Loves and knows about art / Ama y sabe sobre arte.

10.    Is emotionally mature / Es emocionalmente madura

11.    Knows what she wants / Sabe lo que quiere

12.    Loves to travel and does it / Ama viajar y lo hace.

13.    Knows how to have fun / Sabe cómo divertirse

14.    Is outgoing / Es sociable

15.    Is positive / Es positiva

16.    Is warm and sweet / Es cariñosa y dulce

17.    Is socially and politically aware / Es social y políticamente conciente

18.    Is a good person / Es una buena persona

19.    Is passionate about the things she really cares about / Es apasionada acerca de las cosas que realmente le importan.

20.    Loves to kiss and is great at it / Ama besar y es buena en eso

21.    Takes good care of her body, mind and soul / Cuida bien de su cuerpo, mente y alma.

22.    Has a good sense of humour / Tiene buen sentido del humor

23.    Makes me laugh / Me hace reir

24.    Doesn’t take things too seriously / No se toma las cosas tan seriamente.

25.    Doesn’t mind me taking things too seriously / No le importa que yo me tome las cosas tan seriamente

26.    Has good taste in movies / Tiene buen gusto en películas

27.    Loves to dance / Ama bailar

28.    Is open / Es abierta

29.    Makes great conversation / Tiene buena conversación

30.    Has a mind blowing beautiful smile and laughter / Tiene una sonrisa y risa hermosas.

31.    Is “fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care”.

32.    Has a sexy voice / Tiene una voz sexy

33.    Is honest / Es honesta

34.    Is loyal / Es leal

35.    Has freckles / Tiene pecas

36.    Has short hair / Tiene el cabello corto

37.    Is brunette or redhead / Tiene pelo negro/marrón o rojo

38.    Is not boring / No es aburrida

39.    Doesn’t mind me getting bored easily / No le importa que yo me aburra con facilidad.

40.    Is romantic but not cheesy / Es romántica pero no empalagosa

41.    Is fair / Es justa

42.    Doesn’t mind driving / No le molesta conducir

43.    Doesn’t snore / No ronca

44.    Doesn’t mind me not being a morning person / No le importa que que yo esté de mal humor en las mañanas

45.    Is clean and tidy / Es limpia y ordenada

46.    Doesn’t mind me not being tidy / No le importa que yo no sea ordenada.

47.    Likes to cook / Le gusta cocinar

48.    Adores me / Me adora

49.    Rocks my world (sex wise) / Me mueve el piso (sexualmente)

50.    Loves cuddleling and spooning / Ama acurrucucharse (Neil’s translation)


Uta Refson said...

I'm a redhead...
one out of all of those can't be too bad ;D
it's a hell of a list darling
I hope you get all you wish for

Anonymous said...

Wow, Edilma. Hey, guess what. Many items on your list are exactly what I would be looking for.

Now, why freckles?

ooijj said...

is that all...? :-)

Guls said...

i don't even know if i am some of these things or not, i don't think you want too much

if you eliminate half ;)

Guls said...

alright i take my words back, cause my gf is 49 out of 50, and the 1 that doesnt apply to her, doesnt apply to me either...

man i should keep her close ;)


elpadrino said...

Ok what if 35 and 37 don't fit but the rest do? Especially 40 and 49. Oh yea but a guy. Hmm does that mean temp til you find the equal chick? Lol

Great list, by the way.

Chazza said...

Hmmmm interesting... very interesting. I agree with the no snoring, that's a must on my list now... trust me I've learnt from exprience. It also taught me that chazza with no sleep = grumpy chazza. lol.

That's a long list but I'm sure the person worthy of you will be everything you've hoped for.

Btw... HI! i'm alive and we haven't talked in ages. I hope we fix that situation soon!

ooijj said...

@guls long hair?

also: i don't always love my job...

Guls said...
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Guls said...

@ooijj i liked your hair when it was short i like it when it is longer:) and you love your job when your boss doesn't act like an asshole ;)

moi said...

well... you want ME! ... You just described me honey... I can give you that and more!

Edilma said...

Uta - I hope too

Chaparrita - Freckles are sexy :)

Guls and Carla - lol

elpadrino - 40 and 49, really? :P

Chazza - I miss you!

moi - prove it

Edilma said...

Are you by any chance brittish? because that would be brilliant :P

Anonymous said...

no freckles and no short hair, sorry.
then it's quite hard to be sure about the instant spark (which by the way is your #1priority) without meeting in person.
but if they were my laws (which almost are....british accent missing!!!), I would not throw away 47 pluses in favor of 3 minuses ;)
your Italian version

Edilma said...

I like italians :D

I already have an italian "version/soul mate", we even have the same it you? lol...if not, well: Hi :D

Unknown said...

it's me... you catched me all in a sudden! ;)
from now on, your italian soulmate "with glasses" ;)

Edilma said...

HA! I knew it was you my italian alter ego lol

But I thought you were "involved" :P

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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You may ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]

Mil Ä grit0s said...

I love it! la ley de atraccion si funciona, =) i checked possitively some of ur list hehe =D

Edilma said...

Hola Milagritos....cuales pegaste? jajajajjaja.

Mil Ä grit0s said...
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Mil Ä grit0s said...


Edilma said...

@Milagritos jajajaja habrá que comprobar eso ;)