Defiance. The one bent becomes the bender,
and thrusts upon others that which it suffered.
Loved, feared, rescuer, fighter, winner
and conqueror, blow by blow.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Check out my new CD
I still have a bit of a cough...
Have a great week mamacitas...and Nilz!
Hmmmm, parental advisory for Justin's new CD. It MUST be good..hah!
Have a nice day today...and hope that cough soon goes away, E.
i don't know if i would ever buy a justin CD. i did buy two backstreet boys cds. i went to their concert, and when i'm drunk and i have a guitar near by, i can sing a couple of songs 8-) (too much info?)
... but a justin cd? i don't know :)
hello, edilma. glad to see that everything (but the cough) has gone away. (K)
Hmmmm, parental advisory for Justin's new CD. It MUST be good..hah!
Have a nice day today...and hope that cough soon goes away, E.
i don't know if i would ever buy a justin CD. i did buy two backstreet boys cds. i went to their concert, and when i'm drunk and i have a guitar near by, i can sing a couple of songs 8-) (too much info?)
... but a justin cd? i don't know :)
hello, edilma. glad to see that everything (but the cough) has gone away. (K)
Is that sexy cough of yours a new sex or love sound darling Edilma?????
ooooh, someone I work with let me rip a copy. Haven't listened yet. Is it good?
Cough drops are essential!
Chaparrita - It IS good! ;)
Nilz - Awwwwww how cute, did you throw your underwear to them? Shhhhh!
Uta - Well yes it is ;)
Kai - Well I like it ;)
no coughing!
feel good, and... don't forget to floss.
no, edilma... you of all people know that i don't wear undies.
oh, i'm sorry. those words just slipped out of my fingers ;)
... and yes, i call them undies :) leave me alone.
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